Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue
Angel Acres Website

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Because of YOU....We get stories like this....

This is Super Nationals (ends with an "s") AKA Natty he is living in Colorado with his Mom, Sara - super, fabulous Angel Acres adopter, his velvet-nosed brother Pumpkin (her second Angel Acres adoptee - below left) and Edge (not shown)...

They look AMAZING...and have the personalities to match!

It is because of our readers, supporters, friends and volunteers that we are able to rescue fabulous horses like this and give them a new, loving home and a second chance at life...

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who donates hay to us (which we really, always need), makes monetary donations (see hay donation note lol), visits and mucks stalls (the more the merrier), helps spread the word about Angel Acres, etc...and what better way than this...they do say a picture is worth a 1000 words..

Two happy, healthy, gorgeous horses...what a way to say THANK YOU :o)

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue - visit us today!

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