Please let us know if you see it and if you can take a picture of it with you in the photo please send that to us...we would love to see our billboards in pictures with our readers and supporters!
This board is 14 ft by 48 ft and is located on
US 1 Roosevelt Expressway 500 ft south of Wissahickon Ave facing north.
Visit the billboards companion site by clicking HERE and learn how you can help us get a board up in Florida!
Some pro slaughter folks have asked us WHY we are spending money that could be spent on the horses on this billboard campaign - ONLY funds designated for the billboards are being used for this educational campaign.
In order for horse slaughter to stop the American public needs to know it is going on. That is the NUMBER #1 reason we are doing it so people become aware, visit the website and learn how they can help stop it!
Brittany F. stated in reply to this article (pro slaughter slant from a wannabe cow girl) ...
"Don't they realize that maybe by raising awareness people will want to donate to help save the horses?
If they dont know about it how can they donate??? Also, maybe it would spur some more people to set up rescue organizations, but you need to raise awareness first! People can't help solve a problem they aren't aware of!"
She goes on to say, "And I think it is really crappy of them to actually use Angel Acres's name like that..."
I was not even contacted for the article or was aware of it till one of our readers sent it to me and I have to agree with Brittany...totally uncool to use our name without even contacting us first.
I have offered to debate Sue Wallis, Senator Tyson Larson and have contacted the author of the article - no replies from any of them. Wonder why? hhhmmmm...
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