Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue
Angel Acres Website

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Craigslist mare, Zing, gets adopted EXACTLY one year later! YAY!

Remember Zing? The CraigsList Appendix mare we rescued  a year ago? She had been tied in the front yard with a dog chain, among other things? Her original story is HERE. 

After a year of rehabbing, gaining weight, growing back her tail and figuring out she was a sneaky midnight cribber lol...she's been adopted by new Mom, Bethany, oddly enough, one year to the day that we rescued her!!

Zing a couple of day after being rescue from CL.


Zing snuggling with her new friend!

She is doing she is in her new home with Bethany...

Zing is FINALLY home...yay!!!! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Onassis - Her New Life Begins! YAY!

Remember Onassis? The grey drafty mare that was abandoned on the farm owner along with her companion mare? They had been dropped off for boarding.  They were not in the best shape when they arrived - folks asked if  they were rescues. (Onassis had been "rescued" from auction by owner and other mare had been adopted from another rescue)

When farm owner realized the horses were in trouble (owner making excuses, not paying board, not getting vet care horses need, etc) she called us, we suggested she contact other rescue to make them aware that horse owner was not paying board, not returning calls, etc. The rescue took back their mare and Angel Acres offered assistance with placing Onassis.

That process was delayed because during her "routine" vet visit (vet brought in immediately after horses were deemed abandoned) it was discovered she had a severe uterine infection and also needed surgery to repair the issue causing the infection.

We reached out to our readers and supporters to help us help Onassis and you did. The biggest donor was Animal Crime Institute covering half the cost of Onassis surgery!

This is her today (well, yesterday lol) going to her forever home with new mom, Lois!!

Our biggest thanks to everyone who helped us get this mare healthy and into a wonderful new home!!


Friday, September 13, 2013

London, 30 Years Old & Dumped...

Angel Acres

Hay, We Need It!
London; 30 years old & dumped!
donate to angel acres
This 30 year old boy was headed to auction simply because the owner had a baby. A free Craigs List ad with (paraphrasing as ad is no longer up) "free to anyone, must go in two weeks or going to auction". What a horrific way to treat an innocent, loyal, senior horse! And it just got worse...
The vet who pulled the Coggins for him (we covered all costs via vet of owners choosing, so he could come in to the rescue) actually called me to ask if we even needed the blood sent in because, "you know, in case you decide after seeing him you don't want him or he's just not worth it."
We believe he is MORE than worth it! This guy is a pure gentleman all the way...he is FINALLY not screaming and calling anymore and has started to settle in.
He needs just a few sponsors as he has no one signed up to sponsor him monthly. 
Visit Londons page to sponsor him today!
Your monthly sponsorship of as little as $10 can help us make London's final years the best he's ever had. Just click the DONATE button on his page - you can make one time or recurring donation (sponsorship) in any amount.
If using addy is -

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and please share with others and help us get the word out about London.
Have a super happy weekend ahead,,
Jo Deibel :o)
Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue, Inc.
PO Box 62, Glenville, PA 17329

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