YEA!! Debbie has been a reader and supporter of Angel Acres for several years and responded to our email to help find this sweet girl a home...and agreed to take this mare into her heart and barn!
Sooooo...yesterday I get an email from Debbie saying that Dolly is great with one, oh minor problem...she is an equine mud pie! LOL!!
Big Big Big thanks to Bobbi of Monkton for boarding this mare for us, thanks to Fran for harassing me SO much that I finally broke down and called Bobbi and asked for help and a discounted board rate (she said "of course, I'll help you guys out"!) WHEW!! LOL!
Super, big thanks to Joe Renner of Ashlin Sport Horses for helping this mare get to safety and then to her new home. Trailering her in the beginning was not easy, at all...
He went WAY WAY WAY out of his way for this mare, and we so appreciate it! Truly, Joe is a one of a kind guy and we recommend him to ALL of our adopters for all their hauling needs. Amy (Cloud's mom) also assisted the first day too!!!
Alas, Amy is now a foster failure (thanks Cloud for being too dern lovable...argh lol), and we love her for it! LOL!
Soooooo...this is one super duper lucky mare, you can see her original story here -
However...none of this would have been possible without a whole bunch of people stepping up to the plate for her...BIG THANKS FROM THE ENTIRE ANGEL ACRES GANG TO ALL WHO HELPED GET THIS MARE INTO HER NEW HOME!
Watch for tomorrows blog...Bailey Bug's update!
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