Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue
Angel Acres Website

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crisis (fixed) at Red Barn!

Well...its 10:25pm and I just got home from the Red Barn! Our Standardbred mare, Belle, decided that she was going to bolt her food and that didn't go well for her. I noticed she wasnt eating about 5 mins after feeding this evening and that is very unusual for Belle.

I observed her for a few mins and sure enough, she started to show the signs of choke. I gave her banamine and called our wonderful vet Dr. Trevor Wells. After trying massage and some cool water from the hose to encourage swallowing, she was not progressing, not getting worse, but not getting better.

Dr. Wells called back (after our initial conversation) in about 10 mins to see how she was doing as she was not in acute distress, but not comfortable either, to check on her. As we were talking and thinking she had passed the obstruction, another large amount of saliva and some pellets of grain were expelled through her nostrils, and Dr. Wells said "see you in a few minutes".

Upon his arrival, we thought maybe she had passed it, but she had not. So, he tubed her (she wasn't digging that at ALL but Dr. Wells is SO amazing with all of our horses he was able to get the tube in and get her going) and the obstruction was broken up and expelled and she is now resting comfortably in her stall.

Thank you Dr. Wells for always being there for the Angel Acres horses! Belle will be brought to our farm tomorrow afternoon for meds and watching. We are so lucky to have Dr. Wells!

Have a great night everyone...we will update you on Belle tomorrow.


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