Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue

Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue
Angel Acres Website

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cup O' Cuddles On His Way Home!!

Cup O' Cuddles just left for his new home with new Mom, Jazmyn!! He was great...due to traffic Jazmyn and company arrived about an hour past sundown...light is limited in the loading area (area is smaller due to snow, mud and muck)...but...

Jazmyn put the lead rope on him, walked him to the trailer, he walked right on (in the dark/almost no light) and we put the butt bar up and that was that!

We are THRILLED for both Jazmyn and the left is his picture whilst waiting on his new family to arrive...

Congrats to Jazmyn...we think this is a great match and together, they will go far!!

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